
Showing posts from December, 2018


在# 不丹 #,您可以问他们个人什么时候出生的,他们不能给您答案…因为他们不知道? 为什么呢? 不丹 人真诚地相信过上幸福的生活比你活了多少年更重要。如果这不能让您#微笑#,那为什么还需要,知道还会怎样:) 不丹人他们决定每年1月1日所有的公民都变老1岁,而不是承认每个人的# 生日 #,所以每个人都在元旦#庆祝生日#! 虽然这在老年人中更为普遍, 住在城市的年轻人确实知道他们的生日。但它仍然证明了这个国家是多么迷人。 不丹 每个人都不知道他们的生日,也不想知道,他们只想平静地生活。 太阳每天升起,太阳每天下山,年龄无关紧要,简而言之,一个未被过度开发纯朴善良的地方;这里曾经属于西藏吐蕃王朝的版图,有人说道是神祕的香格里拉,也有人赞曰:人间最后的净土; 不丹旅游分享微信: JACQUIETEO ,

Glimpse of Bhutan -- 不丹

不丹,世界最幸福的国度之一。 不丹,你我心中的最后一块净土。 不丹,没有麦当劳、没有星巴克的国家。 不丹,没有红绿灯、世界第一个全国禁菸的国家。 不丹,可以像任何一个国家,没有一个国家像不丹一样。 不丹,喜马拉雅山下沉睡五百年的龙,终于缓缓的睁开了眼睛。 让我们带着您一起探索不丹的幸福、简单、快乐,用眼睛来记忆最美的不丹。 不丹旅游分享 微信:JACQUIETEO - ; Bhutan, the last pure land in my heart and yours. Bhutan, a country without McDonald's and Starbucks. Bhutan, without traffic lights, is the first country in the world to ban smoking nationwide. Bhutan, like any other country, has no country like Bhutan. Bhutan, a dragon sleeping in the Himalayas for five hundred years, finally slowly opened its eyes. Let us take you to explore Bhutan's happiness, simplicity and happiness, and use our eyes to remember the most beautiful Bhutan..... Exclusives offers at


2008年梁朝伟刘嘉玲 不丹 那场世纪婚礼,当时很疑惑影帝影后级人物为什么会选择在名不见经传的不丹举行婚礼,明星不都喜欢巴厘岛、普吉岛、马尔代夫这种浪漫到极点的地方吗?带着这个疑惑,这几年一直关注著不丹,终于在近期去 不丹旅行 揭开了它神秘的面纱。 #梁朝伟#刘嘉玲# 为什么会选择 不丹举行婚礼 ?刘嘉玲曾在节目中说,梁朝伟是个平时话不多并且特喜静的一个人,选择不丹就是想远离城市的喧嚣。而不丹每年只接待6000名游客,连签注都需要提前2个月。梁朝伟刘嘉玲的婚礼时间提前两个星期才放出消息,即使有记者想去也来不及了。梁朝伟刘嘉玲的婚礼更是得到不丹国王的认可,在不丹,只有国王和王妃才能举行婚礼,而梁朝伟和刘嘉玲的婚礼则是 不丹国王 的特批,他们婚礼穿的不丹服饰也是不丹皇室皇叔为他们挑选的。 他们看重的还是 不丹 王国能带给自己的婚姻以无上纯洁的感觉。物欲在不丹不会被提及,不丹教导国民“精神关爱至上”的最高原则。 不丹 巨大的吸引力和与众不同的佛教魅力,那是一块属于心灵的福地,是崇尚高雅与纯洁的精神乐园。不丹的文化精致而令人眩目,不丹是一个非常适合情侣们山盟海誓的地方,如果您选择不丹作为你们的结婚或蜜月之地,连众神都会庇护你们的婚姻,赐福你们同心永结,白头偕老。 虽然 不丹 是南亚小国,可是不同于东南亚的穷游范, 不丹 是高端旅行目的地。去不丹旅游真心不便宜。不丹不接受自由行签证,不过他们接受一人游。也就是说你不能自己在不丹乘搭出租车。他们会给你一个导游配搭一个司机。不管你的人数多寡,每个团都有一位司机和一位导游。政府规定只有三星级以上的酒店可以接受游客。所以住宿是十分舒适。 不丹旅游微信  :JACQUIETEO  中文网站 or  英文

Amankora - Exclusive Experience in Bhutan

Bhutan Best Travel with Amankora -  roll out a series of unique experiences covering health and wellness, gastronomy and out-of-the ordinary sight-seeing. Bhutan is a place of remarkable natural beauty, cultural authenticity and utter purity, and Amankora offers a holiday experience quite unlike any other. The resort’s five intimate lodges – Paro, Punakha, Gangtey, Bumthang , and Thimphu, within the valleys of the Kingdom’s mountainous terrain, are more than just a place to rest your head, they are part of a bigger, more meaningful theme. Guests have the chance to stay in a combination or even all of the lodges, facilitating a ‘kora’ or ‘circular journey’ of discovery throughout central and western Bhutan, as each lodge unveils a unique view and experience of this Kingdom on top of the world. Amankora Helicopter Journeys Amankora has introduced a new way for guests to travel from lodge-to-lodge. Thousands of metres above the mount...

Trashiyangtse - Eastern Gem of Bhutan

Hidden in the north-east corner of Bhutan lies one of the most stunning valleys in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan As many travellers fondly recount, Trashiyangtse is often upheld as their favourite destination in eastern Bhutan. Both intrigued and drawn by the shower of praise given to this remote valley and its warm people, my unforgettable journey to this cloistered locale showed me that the glowing reviews were entirely well deserved, if not more. THE MAGICAL VALLEY OF TRASHIYANGSTE The small, picturesque valley of Trashiyangtse is a hidden gem that very few tourists take the time to visit. Indeed, it is the least visited dzongkhag (district) in the country, and perhaps Bhutan’s best-kept secret. The landscape is visually stunning, the peaceful valley enchanting, and the local people are warm and friendly.  A site that takes your breath away before you reach the main town is the old dzong (fortress), also known as Trashiyangtse Dzong, or the fortress ...


Gasa is also known for its unique highland culture, celebrated every year during its annual tshechu (mask dance festival) and the colourful Royal Highland Festival and the Laya Run. The district is inhabited by Layap nomadic and semi-nomadic herders who live and move with their yaks between pastures and valleys at elevations ranging from 1,500 to 4,500 metres. Gasa a nd its surrounding area are home to both pastoralists and farmers. On one of my first trips to Bhutan in 2012, I spent time with local farmers to learn about the challenges and constraints they struggle with in the face of rapid climate change. During this field trip, farmers in Gasa openly welcomed me into their homes and fields. I was touched by their warmth, hospitality, generosity, kindness, as well as their willingness to share their lives. I came to appreciate their love for their land in this stunning region of Bhutan , as well as their hard work, knowledge and ingenuity in a rapidly changing context. ...

Spiritual Bumthang Valley

Bumthang Valley is thought to be the site of many of Bhutan’s sacred myths and miracles as well as known historical events and the seat of many of the country’s most revered lamas. Most importantly, Bumthang is believed to be the first locale in Bhutan to be visited in 746 C.E. by Guru Rinpoche (also known as Padmasambhava). He was the all-powerful Tantric mystic credited with bringing Buddhism to Tibet and Bhutan from India, and who is worshipped across the country as the Second Buddha.     The story goes: An Indian king from Assam, named Sindhu Raja, established himself as the King of Bumthang . He got into a scrape with a rival king and subsequently offended the chief Bumthang deity, Shelging Karpo. The deity took revenge by turning the skies black and stealing King Sindu Raja’s life force. One of the king’s men implored the tantric master Guru Rinpoche, the renowned mystic, to come to Bumthang to save Sindhu Raja. The Guru came (in 746 C.E.) and tr...