5 Travel Resolutions to Make in 2019

Whether you want to experience something new, or revisit a destination in a different season, make your trips more meaningful and resolve to travel differently this year. Here’s our tips for getting you one step closer to a happier and more fulfilling year of travel. 1. I will see my favourite place in a whole new light. 2. I will open my mind to new opportunities The best thing about travel? Arguably, the opportunity to ditch routine and shake things up a bit. Sample that unusual dish. Chat to your fellow traveller. Get involved with the local traditions. Stepping outside of your comfort zone will only lead to special memories and a fresh perspective on the world. 3. I will travel to change ..... More than just a buzz-term, ‘responsible travel’ is changing the way we connect with the world. 4. I will put down my phone Did you know that 47% of people agree that these days, we’re missing the ‘special moments’...