5 Travel Resolutions to Make in 2019

Here’s our tips for getting you one step closer to a happier and more fulfilling year of travel.

1. I will see my favourite place in a whole new light.

2. I will open my mind to new opportunities

The best thing about travel? Arguably, the opportunity to ditch routine and shake things up a bit. Sample that unusual dish. Chat to your fellow traveller. Get involved with the local traditions. Stepping outside of your comfort zone will only lead to special memories and a fresh perspective on the world.

3. I will travel to change .....

More than just a buzz-term, ‘responsible travel’ is changing the way we connect with the world. 

4. I will put down my phone

Did you know that 47% of people agree that these days, we’re missing the ‘special moments’ by Instagramming our trip? Instead of burying your head in your phone, switch off, tune in to your surroundings and absorb the details with your own eyes. You won’t regret it.   

5. I will support local businesses

Step away from the novelty fridge magnet. Seriously.  Purchase sustainable products, like the handicrafts made in Bhutan, you’ll not only be supporting the local economy but you’ll be taking home a true piece of the local culture. 
To kickstart your year with a new adventure, head over to the Bhutan Best Travel website for a little more travel inspiration in 2019. 


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